Who can qualify for the rental aid?

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Who can access these grants?

These aids will be eligible:

  • Unemployed people, who have suffered an ERTE or people who have had to reduce the workday due to care or similar circumstances.
  • Self-employed workers who have seen their economic activity drastically reduced can apply for the aid.

Financial requirements to be met:

  • Comply with the limit of three times the monthly Public Indicator of Multiple Effects Income (IPREM), set by the Government of € 537.84.
  • This limit can be increased by 0.1% for each child or person over 65 years of age in your care.
  • Single-parent families, (increase of 0.15 for each child or person over 65)
  • Family unit with a member with a disability greater than 33%, a situation of dependency or illness.
  • When adding the rent and the expenses of the basic supplies, these represent 35% of the income of the family unit.
  • Persons who are owners or usufructuaries of a dwelling in Spanish territory are exempt from these aids.

What are the grants?

  • Suspension of eviction

It is one of the most important measures. Decree-law 11/2020 approved by the Government includes the suspension of evictions in vulnerable homes and without housing alternatives. This measure will last up to 6 months after the end of the alarm state.

  • Public microcredits without interest

Together with the ICO, the Government has approved a line of microcredits without interest. When the tenants have not been able to reach an agreement with the landlord of the property to extend the rent payment, the leased will have access to these microcredits to meet the rent payment (to be repaid in 6 years, extendable to 10)

The aid will be entirely for the payment of rents covering a maximum of 6 monthly payments.

  • Aid program incorporated into the 2018-2021 State Housing Plan

If after the crisis and the state of alarm the situation of vulnerability in families continues, new aid of up to € 900 or 100% of the rent of the property may be requested, to which € 200 would be added for basic supply expenses. In this case, each Autonomous Community will determine the exact amount for this program.

  • 6 month extension

Contracts for the rental of habitual residence that expire during confinement and the state of alarm will be automatically renewed. In addition, the same conditions and terms that were established in the contract will be maintained.

  • A distinction is made between small and large owners

The large owners would be public or private with more than 10 homes, who will choose between reducing the tenant’s payment to 50% or restructuring their debt in 3 years (without interest).

In the case of small landowners, they must receive the rent payment in full.

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